FreeBSD on RaspBerry Pi

- freebsd pi

FreeBSD images for arm are now built from the FreeBSD Foundation ! So it’s an easy process to get it on your Pi.

Download your image from the ftp repository

Insert a 4Gb or more SD card in your PC and copy the FreeBSD image into it, here are the commands for a Mac:

sudo diskutil list​
sudo diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk1​
sudo dd if=/Users/akh/Downloads/FreeBSD-10.0-STABLE-arm-
armv6-RPI-B-20140127-r261200.img  of=/dev/rdisk1 bs=1m​
sudo diskutil eject /dev/disk1​

Boot your pi with the card and welcome to FreeBSD !

If you are using the wifi dongle from Adafruit this may help:

echo legal.realtek.license_ack=1 >> /boot/loader.conf
echo wlans_urtwn0="wlan0" >> /etc/rc.conf
echo ifconfig_wlan0="wpa DHCP" >> /etc/rc.conf`

And set your wifi password with wpa_passphrase

wpa_passphrase yourssid yourwifipassword >> /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf